We are Hayley Lamb and Louise Harris of Haylo Theatre. We are a two-woman theatre company who use the arts to explore and engage with issues affecting our communities. We offer a unique package of theatre led activities tailor-made to meet the needs of our customers. Our work serves to highlight key issues within areas of health and social care by generating conversations. We bring together students, professionals and the public and creates a space for dialogue.
Within our work, we focus on real stories and examine real outcomes. We seek to generate conversations about taboo subjects that affect many people’s lives, such as terminal illness, dementia and death. We speak from personal experience, and the experiences people have shared with us. Our work is non-discriminatory; the beauty of theatre is that it can bring people from all walks of life together.
Multi-agency working within the health and social care sector has enabled us to explore ways in which the arts can connect with people on an emotive human level. Our work is used as a tool enable insights and generate discussions on prevalent and complex issues. We communicate through theatre, outside of the conventional theatre space. Our performances and workshops are perfect for staff training days, awareness campaigns, as a break from a PowerPoint or lecture and as a new way of learning.
Our initial client base has arisen, in the first instance, via conferences in the health and social care sector. However, our client base has continued to expand and develop, we have worked with a variety of charities, organisations and Universities, including:
- Admiral Nurses
- Age UK
- Alzheimer’s Society
- Brightlife
- Councils including: Chester, Stockport, Poynton, Oldham, Blackpool, Bury and Manchester Councils.
- Dementia Friends
- E.D.U.C.A.T.E.
- End of Life Partnership
- Hospices including: Francis House, Hospice UK, St Johns Hospice and Trinity Hospice
- Macmillan
- Making Space
- NHS England
- OPAL Services
- Royal collage of Nursing
- St Augustinian Care
- The Christie
- The Dementia Action Alliance
- Universities including: Bolton University, The University of Northampton, The University of Sheffield, The University of Chester, The University of Manchester, The University of Worchester. University of the West of England.
It’s January 2015. Louise picks Hayley up from the station; a routine played out daily. It’s raining. A man walks past them. His green coat and the squeaky window wipers spark a conversation; a conversation about days gone by and a memory we thought we had forgotten; a memory insignificant to the man in the green coat and the other wet commuters passing by, but in that car in that moment, that memory opened a new chapter of our lives. We were going to find a way to share our memories and create stories not easily forgotten. Enter Haylo Theatre.

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We’ve written a book called Gather Together – you can order it by clicking the button below.